How No Win No Fee Solicitors Work

When making a personal injury claim, you should engage a competent and qualified solicitor. At Accident Claims London, we can help you when you need legal representation in court or even legal guidance. You have probably heard of no win no fee, however, solicitors do not always provide their expertise and services for nothing. There are two ways in which you can pay a solicitor’s fee. One way is to pay off such fees out of your own pocket, and the other is to hire a solicitor to work on a no win, no fee basis. This guide will take you through how our no win, no fee compensation claim solicitors** in London can work for you, should you decide to choose us to represent you.

The No Win, No Fee Solicitors Argument

In the UK, the phrase “no win no fee” or “no foal no fee” means a solicitor takes on a case on the understanding that he or she will only receive payment in the event of a successful outcome. However, this does not mean that one can file a personal injury case and expect to pay nothing. Even if the case fails in a court of law, you may have to pay your opponent’s legal expenses. It is important to note that there are two types of no win, no fee arrangements.

Conditional Fee Arrangements (CFAs)

Whenever you hear personal injury lawyers talking about no win no fee, they are most likely referring to conditional fee arrangements. In this type of legal arrangement, a solicitor can add an extra amount to his/her fee (success fee) in the event he/she wins the lawsuit. The additional fee is basically a reward for the risk undertaken by the solicitor in the “no win, no fee” legal arrangement. Success fees are not standard, but vary from one lawyer to the next.

Contingency Fees

Under a contingency fee arrangement, a personal injury solicitor takes a certain percentage of the compensation awarded to his or her client. This type of arrangement is quite popular in cases where parties involved in a personal injury claim decide to settle the case out of court. Legal experts call these arrangements non-contentious actions.

Legal Expenses Insurance

Remember, under a “no win no fee” arrangement, you will not pay your solicitor’s legal fees. Nevertheless, you might have to pay your opponent’s legal fees as well. Most people take out “before the event” and “after the event” insurance policies to cover the risk of such an outcome. This policy might not be necessary if you already have an existing legal costs policy. Such an insurance policy covers court fees, your opponent’s legal costs, as well as your solicitor’s fees. This is in addition to covering expenses associated with summoning expert witnesses and availing medical reports. Accident Claims London calls these expenses “disbursements.”

Before-The-Event Insurance (BTE)

One can take a before-the-event insurance policy together with other policies such as home or car insurance. Although this type of policy lasts for about 12 months, it is affordable. You will come across insurers that will even provide this cover for free when you take out another policy. Most insurers will cover their client’s legal costs provided they have a chance of winning. However, a BTE policy comes with certain limitations. To start with, a policyholder must accept a reasonable offer from an opponent.

Secondly, policyholders must report personal injuries to their insurers within a period of six months or less. Thirdly, a policyholder can only choose a solicitor after legal proceedings have begun.

After-The-Event Insurance (ATE)

After-the-event insurance covers your legal expenses in case you suffer injuries or an illness due to someone else’s negligence. The cost of such an ATE insurance policy typically ranges anywhere from £75 to £5,000. Some no win no fee solicitors in London take out ATE insurance covers on behalf of their clients. However, this happens after they accept to take on their clients cases. This means that the client does not have to worry about insurance premiums or legal expenses.

“So What Do You Earn From My No Win, No Fee Claim?”

No win no fee is subject to our panel’s London personal injury solicitor agreeing to take on your case and appropriate insurance cover being in place. When a compensation claim is successful, there will be a Success Fee. Success fees will not exceed 25% of recovered damages, including VAT. This fee will be subject to your individual circumstances. There are a few rare exceptions, which the panel solicitor for London can explain to you in more detail. If no damages are recovered, then no fee is payable by you. Your agreement will be direct with the panel solicitor in London, who is a third party and not owned or employed by us. Early termination fees may apply if you decide not to proceed or fail to follow reasonable legal advice. Such fees would be based on an hourly fee rate as set by that panel solicitor. We may receive a payment from the London personal injury solicitors, to whom we pass details if your case is accepted.

If you would like to discuss making a personal injury claim on a no win, no fee basis, contact Accident Claims London today. When you contact us, we will be able to guide you on whether we are able to take on your case on a no win, no fee basis. If we cannot, we will also provide you with information about alternative means of financing your claim. Get in touch now on 02038115808^.

If you have suffered an injury at work, while driving on the road, while out shopping, or while swimming in a public pool, you should get in touch with a personal injury solicitor** in London immediately. Even if you do not have the money to cover legal costs associated with accident claim in London, don’t fret. You can talk to a solicitor** to find out whether he or she can take up your case on a no win, no fee basis. Call us now on 02038115808^.

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