Pedestrian Accident Claims in London

London has higher than average statistics for road traffic accidents involving pedestrians. That probably doesn’t surprise you. But what might surprise you is that it’s possible for pedestrians involved in accidents that were not their fault to claim compensation, and that they stand a good chance of winning.

Pedestrian Accident Claim: London Lawyers

If you have been hit by a car, a cyclist, a bus, or motorbike rider then we can help you to claim pedestrian accident compensation in London. Our no win, no fee * solicitors** are specialists in accident claims and offer free phone consultations to all callers.

If you would like to discuss a claim and find out how much compensation you could be due for your personal injuries, then call our accident helpline now. We are open every day and offer free and friendly legal guidance.

Who We Can Help with London Pedestrian Accident Claims

Knocked Over By a Car Claim in London
Free phone consultation when you call us.

If you have been unfortunate enough to be hit by a car or knocked over in London, and it wasn’t your fault, then there’s every chance you could be eligible to claim pedestrian accident compensation.

As a pedestrian, you are in the group of people who are most at risk from serious injury. This is why car drivers and other vehicle owners must always give you the right of way. Sadly, that doesn’t always happen though and can lead to serious injury, and in some cases fatalities.

As a pedestrian you do not need insurance to make a personal injury claim, and even if the driver who hit you was not insured, you might still be able to make a claim. In order to find out more, please call us today for a free and confidential consultation.

Pedestrian Injury Compensation in London – How Much?

Compensation amounts will vary from person to person, and injury to injury. We treat all clients as individuals, and each case is very different. Because of that, we cannot publish sample compensation amounts for pedestrian injury compensation.

However, if you call us and give us some details on what happened to you, we should be able to form some quick opinions on what your claim could be worth. Please note, though, we will need to prove that the accident was not your fault, and was due to another person’s negligence.

In order to support this process and any pedestrian accident claim, our solicitors ** will need some information from you. We can also help you to gather this documentation and evidence. This includes, but is not limited to:

  • Names, addresses, and details of any witnesses
  • Information on the driver involved
  • Details of any police reports
  • Information on medical treatment, including hospital records
  • Access to video or photographic evidence if available
  • Costs incurred such as medical treatment and travel

In terms of what you can claim for, our London pedestrian accident solicitors** will seek to win damages and compensation for the following aspects:

  • Compensation for pain and suffering
  • Compensation for psychological damage
  • Financial damages for loss of earnings
  • Medical costs both past, present, and future
  • Costs incurred due to the accident or injuries
  • Expenses for rehabilitation and future quality of life

Pedestrian Road Accidents in London: The Statistics

Who is most at risk of injury and accident in London? A couple of years ago, the Transport Research Laboratory published some interesting statistics on how people are injured on London’s roads and pavements. It makes for sobering reading, but just goes to show how anyone, no matter how careful they are, could be involved in a pedestrian accident. As you would expect, much of the data relates to people being knocked over by a car.

  • Pedestrians on a pedestrian crossing (25%)
  • Drunk pedestrians (23%)
  • Pedestrians not on a pedestrian crossing (19%)
  • Pedestrians hit by buses or coaches (17%)
  • Pedestrians hit by speeding vehicles (16%)
  • Pedestrians hit by HGVs (14%)
  • Pedestrians hit by motorcycles (7%)
  • Pedestrians hit by vehicles while on a footpath (6%)

Let Us Help You Claim for Compensation Today

In order to get started, either you or a family member should call us straight away. One of our experts will give you free guidance and assess any potential claim you might have.

If we feel that you have a genuine claim for personal injury after a road traffic accident, we will assign you one of our pedestrian accident solicitors** covering London.

Through each and every part of the process, you will be kept up to date with what is happening. Our no win, no fee * solicitors ** will fight tirelessly to ensure you get the financial compensation you need, as well as access to justice via the UK legal system.

Call 02038115808^ now for free guidance if you have been involved in a pedestrian accident in London. We can quickly tell you whether you are eligible for compensation for your injury and financial losses.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim Today

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